Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 imam sadiq university

2 isu


Culture is considered one of the most complex concepts of social sciences, which is often explained in an analytical perspective, in the middle of a range of prescriptive and descriptive approaches; The mentioned duality has been considered as a starting point for cultural theories and has left an important impact on criticism and politics in the field of culture. Culture in the social theory of Muslims takes into account both descriptive and prescriptive aspects along with each other. This article is based on the theme analysis method in line with the concept of culture in the thought of Imam Khomeini (RA), while analyzing all his statements about culture, it uses the three stages of analysis, interpretation, and integration of the text. The research results show that there are four overarching themes including "the importance and function of culture, definition of culture, typology of culture, and strategy of culture" in explaining the concept of culture. Based on this, in the eyes of the Imam (RA), dependent culture is considered to hinder the growth of people and youth, which will be condemned to depreciation. On the other hand, one should achieve Iranian-Islamic culture while being aware of the corruptions of the West and confronting the vulgar Western culture by using its cultural advantages. Therefore, the most important development in the society is related to the field of culture, in order to achieve this goal, while purifying the culture from westernized people and purifying it to righteous (Iranian-Islamic) people, first of all, cultural self-confidence must emerge in the people, and secondly, art and media must be in opposition to The decadent culture of the West should be reconciled with the culture of Islam and Iran, and thirdly, while paying attention to the gradual transformation of culture, a kind of convergence should be created between the people, the media and the government.


Main Subjects

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