Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Shahid Mahallati School of Political Ideology


Social conflicts, which are as old as the history of human life on earth, have always been one of the major and most important problems in the collective life of humans and an obstacle on the way to their exaltation and glory. Social conflicts are any conscious hostile thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that occur at different levels of society, from relationships between individuals to groups and between people and governments. The most basic requirement for solving social conflicts is to know their types and roots and their main factors. Allameh Tabatabaei (may Allah be pleased with him) as a great philosopher and social theoretician, has handled this task well in his worthy Al-Mizan interpretation. The aim of the current research is to answer these two basic questions: How many types of social conflicts are there from Allameh Tabatabai’s point of view? And what are the main causes and reasons of its occurrence? In response to these two questions, the verses related to the topic based on Al-Mizan interpretation have been examined using a descriptive-analytical qualitative research method. The findings show that according to Allameh Tabatabaei, social conflicts are divided into two general types, natural and religious, and any other sub-contradictions fall under these two. They consider the occurrence of social conflicts to be certain and inevitable. Because the issue of civility and its main pillar, i.e. social justice, is something that humans have accepted based on urgency and necessity, not according to their original nature. This urgency is the result of several factors: the existence of the natural characteristic of recruitment in man, which seeks absolute exploitation of all his fellows, the quality of his natural creation, and finally, his extensive and ever-increasing needs, which he is unable to satisfy alone. In addition to this urgent need for civility, the difference in human nature, which is caused by the difference in the creation and geography of their lives, should also be considered. These two main causes have triggered natural conflict among humans. As a result, divine laws appeared to resolve this type of conflict. But the existence of jealousy and rebellion among the scholars and the bearers of religion has doubled the type of religious conflict over the previous conflict.


Main Subjects

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