Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 science Committee Faculty of Social Sciences, Tehran


The subject of social science, which is based on the revelation approach, is not confined to proponents of Islamic social science and has engaged scholars outside of Islamic culture and beyond Christian Europe. Among these thinkers is Eric Weglin - a German philosopher and historian - who has a revitalized approach to historiography and the revival of the social sciences. He takes a critical look at modernity and renewed truth and regards it as a disease of the present age. Therefore, utilizing a revelationist approach and religious experience in the field of knowledge considers the treatment of modern illness and a method of reviving traditional social sciences. Accordingly, the purpose of the present article is to examine the revival of the social sciences in the revelatory approach, or better interpreted by Eric Weglin. The present article, using a descriptive-analytical approach and following a documentary approach, seeks to answer the question of how to revive the social sciences from Voglin's perspective. The findings of the study suggest that Voglin, in contrast to his claim that the homeland of knowledge considers classical religion and philosophy, focused solely on classical philosophy and Plato's truth in social science reconstruction and on religious experience and Christian revelation only in planning. The basis of his theory has been used. On the other hand, it is speculative that his views and views are close to the Islamic view of revelation and that he is opposed to Islam in the way he reads revelation and religion.



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