Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 Phd Candidate in Social Knowledge of Muslims, University of Tehran

2 Professor of Islamic Social Sciencs, University of Tehran

3 Phd Candidate in Sociology, University of Tehran


Ibn Khaldun, one of the founders of history and sociology, has been considered by many scholars in the world in recent centuries. The diversity of his subjects has attracted the attention of a wide range of thinkers and researchers in sociology, anthropology, history, economics, political science, educational sciences, geography, and demography. Many writings about his thought show the importance of this great Muslim thinker. But what has received less attention from scholars in Ibn Khaldun's views and works is his detailed discussions of social issues and harms. The present study, focusing on Ibn Khaldun's analytical approach to the study of social problems and harms that has focused on the situation of Islamic societies in the great geography of the Islamic world, with the Documentary Research Method and focusing on the text of his main work the “Muqaddimah” from the descriptive approach has been used to identify, extract and categorize the themes and categories related to this subject in Ibn Khaldun's thought.
The results of this study show that seven major social issues and harms have been emphasized by Ibn Khaldun throughout the book, including: the issue of "Poverty", "Marginalization", "Social Welfare", "Employment and Livelihood", "Housing and Shelter", "Social Security" and "Crime and Delinquency". What emerges from Ibn Khaldun's analysis of social issues is his focus on the conceptual framework of Civil Science; That is, it interprets all social issues in relation to the development of human society on the scale of urban life.






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