Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University Yadegar Branch

2 Associate Professor of Sociology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University

3 Associate Professor of Sociology, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University


One of the important points for those countries which are not considered as the source of modernity is that how they can withstand against western culture in the modern world. It seems that with the criticisms of post - modernism intellectuals for the essence of modernity, it can be concluded that although western culture had considerable progress in technology and materialism, it needed deep eastern thoughts for analyzing meaning and spirituality. In this regard, with developed civilization history had significant progress in spiritual culture which had been recognized by the whole world. One of the important achievements of Iran for the world is th expansion of love culture and lovemaking. It can be proved regarding the works of Molana, Sadi, Hafez, and Attar. But Fakhredin Araqi is one who had posed creative, deep, and elaborate meaning regarding love which had received little attention. This article aimed at demonstrating a modern and different meaning of it by the use of interpretive sociological view. This study analyzed Araqi lovemaking style in a functional way by the use of a naturalistic method and Herbert Blume grounded method and showed how this meaning can be utilized in the cognitive paradigm in the Iranian utopia. The results demonstrated that typology deduced from "Lamaat" on the basis of different types of lovemaking functions has an effective and efficient capability on today's modern world.



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