Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 عضو هیات علمی

2 university tehran


The purpose of this study is to extract and explain a narration that has been presented in the religious discourse of Hazrat Zahra (PBUH), especially the sermon of Fadkiyeh, from the nature of "monotheism, prophecy, inheritance and sovereignty after the Prophet". Therefore, the most important question of this research is formulated as follows: What image of monotheism, prophecy, inheritance and rule after the Prophet is presented in the religious discourse of Hazrat Zahra (PBUH)? In other words, what is the narration of the religious discourse of Hazrat Zahra (PBUH) about monotheism, prophecy, and inheritance and sovereignty after the Prophet, and what image has she presented of this phenomenon within her religious discourse?
In order to answer the above five questions, the researcher first studied the theories related to the relationship between text and reality and after critically examining these theories and placing them in the form of two general approaches 1- reflection theory (religious discourse imitates reality) and 2. Discourse theory (religious discourse produces reality in the form of its own internal logic) and the extraction of formal and thematic components, which have so far been referred to as "mechanisms for representing reality in the world of language", has sought to use the method. "Discourse Analysis" by Theon Van Dyke, James Paul J. and Ruth wodak to show what in the religious discourse of Hazrat Zahra (PBUH) Methods or methods have been used to represent the four issues of "monotheism, prophecy, and inheritance and sovereignty after the Prophet."


  • منابع

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