Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran


The concept of motherhood is the most important concepts in the relation of women. Despite the verses in the description of the quality of the relationship between femininity and motherhood, it seems that the past few decades, by considering the uniqueness of this biologic feature for women, this relationship is also considered as an obvious relationship. But, by challenging the concepts of motherhood from feminist thought and thinkers, the Muslim thinkers have more and more tried to determine the Islamic values and elements about caring of the child from the Quranic interpretations. Many of the responses to feminist challenges have led to newer interpretations and even interpretations that are similar to the feminist idea. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the various dimensions of the concept of motherhood and determine its place under these circumstances. In this article, the author, after defining and analyzing the concept of motherhood through using the comparative method , will examine the role of women in the status of the mother from the perspective of Allameh Tabataba'i and Amina Wadud.


Main Subjects

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