Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 Department of Communication, University of Tehran

2 Associated Professor, Al-Mustafa University


The purpose of this study is to provide comprehensive understanding of Islamization of Knowledge (IOK), as an intellectual response from Muslim Scholars to what so called “Modernity Project” in recent decades.
Using Meta-Analysis as a method of study, this research systematically has reviewed over 80 scientific documents including articles, books, reviews and etc. in order to come out with a clear picture and understanding of IOK across the world.
The result of this study shows the IOK as an intellectual project was a great revivalist response to modernity; hence, is right path to follow. Even though, many scholars, researchers and fellows were involved and producing lots of scientific documents pertinent to IOK resulted a very rich Islamic Heritage, however, less attention have been paid to IOK as a comprehensive approach to the challenges of contemporary societies.
Having such understanding and clear picture of IOK, with its main categories, trends and pertinent comparative studies as well as their strength and weaknesses will help and guide Muslim scholars and thinkers in their future studies along the path toward restore their supremacy in knowledge.
Furthermore, this study shows that IOK can be considered as Co-Equal with establishing and localizing of Knowledge in the golden age of Islamic Civilization, as such, once is established in each modern thought, a creative Islamic synthesis can be launched.


Main Subjects

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