Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 urban panning, art and architecture faculty, tarbiat modares university , ehran , iran

2 urban planning, art and architecture faculty, tarbiat modares university, tehran, iran


Investigating Suhrawardi's thoughts on Urban planning and design
The problems have been exacerbated in different countries of the world imported theories in some fields, are inefficient. Development-related aspects of intellectual ideas and beliefs in various fields including urban planning are essential. Using the theoretical foundations and principles of Islamic Architecture and urban planning and the thoughts and works of Muslim scholars, this study can be effective. The purpose of this research is to study Suhrawardi's thinking in different dimensions of the city and finally to draw the ideal Islamic city. This is a fundamental research, and its research method is a combination of methods of "text and content analysis", "causal analysis and meta-analysis" in some sections, and "exploratory" and "deductive-descriptive" methods. And collecting information from library resources and documents. The research findings show that the most important feature of the desirable city is intellectual and beliefs in the city Which appear in different social, economic, political dimensions of the city. The physical characteristics of the city are important because they play an important role in promoting the other two aspects.


Main Subjects

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