Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The expression of various pleasant and unpleasant emotions is common among humans. In the Holy Quran, God expresses different feelings, such as pleasure, anger, and love, towards specific individuals or human actions. Unlike human emotional expressions that result from internal passivity, divine expressions in the Quran are not derived from any passivity, but aim to guide humans and provide a social action model for believers. Using intellectual analysis, this study seeks to extract a system of divine emotional expressions to serve as a model for believers' social actions. It introduces a comprehensive classification of emotions expressed in the Holy Quran as pleasant or unpleasant. Using Max Weber's fourfold model, the article argues that none of the Affectual, Zweckrational, or Wert rational actions represent the social action of a believer. It concludes that the social action of a believer should be considered as "wert rational action based on transcendent rationality" with its unique characteristics. "wert rational action based on transcendent rationality" is similar to affectional action in the way of expression, it is similar to wert rational action in terms of value, but a value that is understood and chosen based on transcendent rationality. Achieving a goal is similar to Zweckrational action, which aims at a goal, with the difference that its goals are not limited to materialistic goals, and it follows transcendent rationality in choosing appropriate tools.


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