Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Political Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Political Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran /Ph.D. Department of Politics and International Relations, Florida International University, Miami, USA.


The advent of non-state organizations and their involvement in the global arena since the end of the Cold War have brought about substantial changes in the comprehension of public diplomacy and its role within world systems. By conducting an examination of the influencers present in Shia doctrines, this study seeks to clarify the aspects of “faith-based diplomacy” and offer guidance on how the Shia clerical institution can further its diplomatic objectives internationally. From a theoretical standpoint, the study places significant emphasis on the notion of balance of power in its examination of the trajectory of Shia diplomacy. The article examines the theoretical inquiry into the manner in which public diplomacy operates within the Shia faith to further its objectives and establish equilibrium beyond the confines of nation-states. This study aims to examine the hypothesis that the public diplomacy practices of the Shia faith are grounded in the consensus reached by its adherents concerning the fundamental principles and underpinnings of Shia political culture, namely Imamate and justice. By utilizing three distinct forms of diplomacy—specifically, “exchange,” “aid,” and “cultural” diplomacy—its objective is to cultivate the necessary capabilities to accomplish the common goals of Shiites and promote equilibrium among rival communities. This study investigates contemporary Shiite diplomacy in a global context through the application of a “interpretive method” and a comprehensive analysis of scholarly, documentary, and library materials. The findings of this research emphasize the critical significance of faith-based diplomacy in influencing forthcoming global affairs. Furthermore, the article sheds light on the capacity of the Shi'ite institution to utilize its resources and faith-driven diplomatic abilities to facilitate the concurrent growth of its impact on a national and global scale, thus promoting stable equilibriums in the global sphere. This inquiry further demonstrates the significant influence that religious viewpoints have on the formation of geopolitical dynamics.


Main Subjects

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