Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 Graduate of the third level of the seminary of Qom.

2 PhD of Contemporary Muslim Thought, Al-Mustafi International University, Qom, Iran


The meaning of life is one of the biggest concerns of today's human being, which is necessitated by suffering, everyday life, emptiness, death, etc. Søren Kierkegaard, by drawing three areas in human life, considers choosing one of them as the first and most important choice of every person and believes that it is a leap from the areas of goodness and morality to the area of faith that can calm a person in the heart of sufferings and hardships and make his life give meaning In Søren Kierkegaard's view, man has a truth that this truth is his individuality, and the human person is always looking for meaning outside of himself. He considers any procrastination in life to be a loss of opportunity and he believes that a meaningful life is the passionate faith that commits a person to move to reach a certain goal. He draws three stages for man, in the light of those stages, man looks at life and measures his behavior and life in relation to that look and moves towards his goal. Allameh Tabatabai, with the help of Quranic verses, believes in two spheres, worldly and hereafter, and considers the choice of religion in the hereafter to give meaning to one's life. The result of this research is to know the areas of human life, such as "Worldly Hassani", "Worldly Morality", "Worldly Religion" and "Otherworldly Religion". The two fields of "otherworldly Hassani" and "otherworldly morality" are also defined under the "otherworldly religious" field. Another result of this research is the difference between "worldly religion" and "hereafter religion" that in "worldly religion" even though a person adheres to religious rituals, but because he performs rituals with worldly goals, this area puts him in a dead end. The world will suffer absurdity. This research has compared the meaning of life from the perspective of these two thinkers by collecting information in the form of a library of written documents and descriptive-analytical data processing method.


Main Subjects

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