Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


Assistant Professor of Islamic Philosophy and Theology Department of Shahid Mahalati Higher Education Complex


Social issues and looking at different aspects of human being with collective identity have a special place in the thought and writings of Allameh Tabatabai. The structured mind of this distinguished Islamic thinker has led to the design and discussion of the foundations and structures of the creation and movement of human society; In such a way that social thinking can be considered one of the weight points of his religious thought. The present study, using a descriptive-analytical method, follows Allameh Tabatabai's thought foundations in discussing the origin of human society and the type of communication between them. The results of the research show that the mechanism of forming human society, the origin of sociality, the creation of restrictions on individual freedom, collective cooperation, the enactment of law and the formation and establishment of government and the way of governance, as the foundations and presuppositions of building human society in thought. Allameh has a systematic relationship and, like the seeds of a chain, they have formed a strong thread in the context of the occurrence and survival of human society. This structured look at social topics and issues has brought Allameh into thinking in the field of social life. In his social thoughts, he believes in building society from the context and from the bottom up, and the pyramid of power, despite its importance, is the second priority in his thoughts on social issues and governance.


Main Subjects

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