Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Secondary Article


1 Assistant Professor /Islamic Azad University

2 Department of Political Science, Rabat Karim Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Al-Ahmad's radical critiques of the concept of Westernization due to the widespread popularity of various sections of Iranian society at the time of its introduction played an important role in the intellectual and political orientations of Iranian society.
Research Findings
1- Westernization is a reaction related to modernization
His views entitled "Westernization" in its technological, economic and social dimensions should be considered as a reaction to the pattern of modernization that was being formed rapidly in the second Pahlavi era and regardless of its consequences. The strong dependence of this process on global capitalism and the prominent role of multinational companies in investing in Iran's domestic industries, along with the growing import of foreign products from oil revenues and the prevalence of consumerism in the urban lifestyle, was a phenomenon that many intellectuals of that period in various forms. It was criticized and Al-Ahmad was one of the pioneers in criticizing this modernization in this direction.
2. Critical Westernization of Superficial Modernism
The dependent and accelerated modernization of the Pahlavi government was rooted in a superficial and ignorant modernism that dominated the thought and culture of the elites and constitutionalist and modernist intellectuals of Reza Shah's era and in the Ahmad's era by the formal education system, press and cultural magazines and even some new intellectuals and educated people. dominated. The modernism that prevailed during this period undoubtedly lacked philosophical depth or precise knowledge of the nature of modern culture and civilization, and for this reason it promoted imitation of the modern lifestyle as the main manifestation of modernity. He was involved in cultural and identity debates.
3. Weakness of the positive aspects of the concept of westernization
The lack of philosophical aspect and the emphasis on economic and political aspects of Al-Ahmad's critiques of the accelerated modernization and superficial modernism of the Pahlavi era in the context of the critique of the phenomenon of "Westernization" indicate if his superficial acquaintance with modern European civilization. Except for the strengthening of anti-Western political currents in the form of political and cultural anti-Westernism.


Main Subjects

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