Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Secondary Article


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Tehran

2 researcher


Civilization is the super-system of social occasion and the most complex macro-social unit among human beings according to divine or human laws. In civilization, human society pursues a great goal. The goals of human beings in civilization are intertwined and related to each other and have great economic, political, cultural, scientific and moral functions. Attention to civilization and civilization in Iran after the revolution has always been the focus of civilization scholars to the extent that the Supreme Leader of the Revolution called the second step of the Islamic Revolution the step of civilization. It should be noted that civilizations have propulsion and a point of gravity without which civilization can not be formed. Addressing this issue is important because the acceptance of any category as such, will lead to the differentiation of civilizations and their own consequences in the process of formation and construction of civilizations. This study seeks to understand and discover the main component of the new Islamic civilization from the perspective of the seminary and academic elites of the civilization to give a clear picture of this civilization and its consequences, compared to other civilizations to pave the uneven path of modern Islamic civilization. It should be noted that the driving force or logic of the dynamics of modern Islamic civilization based on the thought of the elite community is widely diverse. Therefore, to find the answer to the research concern, the interview-based thematic analysis method has been used.
The categories obtained by the research are: 1. Acceptance of values, the core of civilization 2. Obtaining the basis, the dough of civilization 3. Social needs, infrastructure of civilization 4. The system of thought, the heart of civilization. 5. The system of fundamental tendencies and values. Human will is the pillar of civilization 7. Recognition of diversity and social pluralism, the starting point of civilization dynamics 8. Understanding the spirit of the time Understanding the logic of the dynamics of civilization


Main Subjects

اگ برن و نیم کوف، زمینه جامعه شناسی، ۱۳۵۴، امیر حسین آریان پور، شرکت سهامی کتاب های جیبی
انوری حسن و همکاران، فرهنگ بزرگ سخن، ۱۳۸۲، سخن، ج ۱
چنگیز پهلوان، فرهنگ وتمدن، نشر نی ۱۳۸۸
ماکس وبر، اخلاق پروتستان و روح نظام سرمایه‏داری، ۱۳۷۵ چ دوم، تهران، انتشارات سمت
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