Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article




problem statement: temperament and Nature plays an important role in human happiness and misery. temperament is related to the divine spirit, which, if not contaminated with sin, makes human successful and paves the way to God. But nature is related to the physical dimension of human, which, if it overcomes the spiritual dimension, leads human to a downward course. This study aims to investigate the role of temperament and nature in the ascending and descending course of human and has answered the question that from Imam Khomeini's point of view, what is the role of temperament and nature in the ascending and descending of human status? Methodology: The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical. Using the method of documentary study and referring to the mystical and moral works of Imam Khomeini, first the concept of temperament and its types are clarified and then Imam's view on human temperament and nature and effective factors and obstacles. It has been studied and explained in its ascending and descending course. Results and Discussion: From Imam Khomeini's point of view, the most important factor in the ascendancy of the soul, which originates from the pure human temperament, is awakening, which prevents human from doing evil things. On the contrary, negligence causes one to drown in sin. Another condition for the ascendant of the soul is contemplation and remembrance of the blessings that God has given to human. Another house for the ascendant of human is the decision to forsake sins and perform duties. After the stage of thinking and determination, it is calculation, meditation and meditation. Imam believes that when a person pollutes the light of temperament with the darkness of nature by committing sins, he must repent. Neglect of one's original temperament, forgetfulness of the soul, disregard for God's lofty goals in the creation of human and selfishness, are among the things that weaken the power of reason and human temperament and cause human to fall. Imam Khomeini considers the source of all errors to be self-love, worldly love and evil temptations that are effective in the downward course of human. Conclusion: From Imam Khomeini's point of view, committing sins due to human attention to the natural world causes darkness, turbidity of the heart and extinguishes the light of temperament, and one of the most important ways to prevent the darkness of the heart is waking up from negligence and repentance.


Main Subjects

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