Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


Full-time research associate of the Faculty of Culture and Communication of Imam Sadegh University


The subject of this research is "the meaning and proof of the originality of society" and its purpose is to provide a more accurate reading of the meaning of the originality of society based on a new argument. In this article, by adopting the method of signification research and relying on one of the central concepts in Islamic mysticism, namely the status of mystical annihilation, a new argument has been presented to prove the authenticity of society. The first purpose of this article is to pay attention to the fact that the status of mystical annihilation, apart from the examples of mystical behavior in the text of social actions, also has significant examples, and according to Allameh Tabatabai, in the text of any obedience, a kind of obedient annihilation is hidden in obedience. After proving this fact, this fact has been used as an argumentative introduction by the argumentative method to prove the authenticity of society and it has been shown that social action and love and hatred hidden in it, a container for the realization and manifestation of the status of mystical annihilation collectively. As a result, individuals in society in the form of social actions are going through the stages of mystical annihilation and finally uniting in determining the desired perfection with each other, and this fact is implicit in the context of many social behaviors such as sports, religious, artistic communities, etc. can be observed. The fact that references can be seen in the works of Khajeh Nasir al-Din Tusi and showed that he also had such an understanding of how the people of society are united, and in the end, the advantages of this argument over other evidence to prove the authenticity of society are discussed.




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