Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 عضو هیئت علمی

2 هیئت علمی

3 researcher in Institute of Hawzah and University


In the last century, two books, "Our Economics" by Muhammad Baqir Al-Sadr and "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" by Thomas Kuhn, entered the scientific sphere, one that is directly philosophy of science and the other has an approach to philosophy of sciences based on economic issues. In the international community, Kuhn's book was considered as one of the books of official scientific philosophy, and his theories were used to analyze scientific currents, so much so that the word paradigm became a pervasive term for languages; But the book Our Economics did not find such a position despite the many views and analyzes of philosophy of science. Identifying hidden philosophy of science perspectives for scientific societies that have received less attention despite their epistemological and social richness can increase the level of awareness of the scientific community and alternative theories in various fields of knowledge. In this case, the present article shows how the components of a full-fledged realist philosophy of science are present in Our Economics; The components that make the current view of Our Economics, while having many strengths of Cohen's theory of paradigms, do not fall into the problem of relativism. This view can also ensure that the incommensurability of the paradigm in Kuhn's view does not preclude dialogue between ideas. This is done by comparing the scientific theories of Shahid Sadr in Our Economics and Kuhn in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. The main part of this article is that there is a realistic philosophy of social sciences and humanities in Our Economics which is not found a sign of it in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. By this philosophy of social sciences and humanities we can solve many explanatory problems in the science and in the history of it.


فهرست منابع

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