Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Review Article


1 Associate Professor in history at Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz

2 Full professo in history at Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz

3 PhD in history of Iran at Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz


Ibn-Khaldun (1332-1406 A.C) was one of the greatest scholars of Islamic civilization. In part of his book, he presents a model for the transformation and evolution of life in nomadism to sedentary. The Mongols were also a nomadic people with a pastoral economy and they had little cognition of sedentary lifestyle and its conditions. In the 13th century, they were able to build a vast empire in Asia and Europe. The Mongol nomadic invasion of Iran (1219 AD) caused the occupation of its eastern regions and afterwards led to the establishment of the Ilkhanate dynasty (1256-1335 AD). The process of confrontation and subsequent domination of the Mongol nomads over the Iranian sedentaries over several years led to Mongols life style switch from nomadic life to sedentaries life. The authors of this article intend to utilize Ibn Khaldun's view in the process of switch the lifestyle of the Mongol nomads from nomadism to sedentary in Iran.
Question: How can it be explained the Mongols life style switch from nomadic life to sedentaries life in Iran according to Ibn- Khaldun's theory?
Methodology:  The method used in this study is historical analysis.
Findings: The findings show that Ibn-Khaldun's view can explain Mongols switch lifestyle in Iran. Furthermore can be used as a remarkable model to explain and understand the switch of nomadic tribes in Iran especially from the period of Seljuq dynasty to pre- Safavid era.
Conclusion: During the research, it was determined that Ibn Khaldun emphasizes the three components of geography (nature and climate), economic (lifestyle) and social (asabiyyaht) in studying the lifestyle of nomadic societies and its transformation. These components were used in studying transformation the lifestyle of Mongol society in Iran and was determined proportion of these concepts to the society. Thus, the nomadic Mongols lived in a harsh climate, had a simple life and was away from urban luxuries, the force of asabiyyaht that had caused a strong social cohesion among them led to the defeat of the sedentary Iranians. The Mongols With the conquest of Iran and the interaction with the Iranian sedentary, gradually became accustomed with sedentary lifestyle. The Mongols could not resist the material and immaterial attractiveness of the culture Iranian sedentaries, so they abandoned many Mongol customs and were encouraged to sedentary. Eventually the Mongols began rebuilding and developing damaged cities or building new ones and they dwelt in them.


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