Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


Ph.D. of Cultural Sociology


Orientalism has considerably aided to establish and rule the occident civilization on the way of imperialism’s interests. The main goal has been de-identification and de-civilization from the orient (especially Islam). These purposes have followed by west not only in the political and economical aspects, but also in the scientific and speculative aspects (e.g. some social theories). This article seeks to reveal the modality of deconstruction of orientalism as well as paying attention to distinctions of the Islamic civilizational identity contained in Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah’s discourse. In this regard, the discourse analysis (with emphasis on the Colonial D.A.) and full sampling among 853 e-documents concerning Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah’s statements have been applied. The findings and results have been articulated in 12 axes: 1) constructing dimensions of identity, 2) threatening dimensions of identity, 3) the identity inversion from the side of colonialists, 4) the identity neutralization from the side of Islamic agents, 5) the essence and dimensions of the Islamic culture, 6) the significance and role of Iran’s Islamic revolution, 7) the apocalyptic and futuristic discourse, 8) right-and-wrong’s civilizational combat, 9) dimensions and examples of the multi-lateral enemy’s plots, 10) dimensions and examples of the real condition of enemies, 11) strengthening dimensions and examples of Islam’s civilization and culture, 12) the juridical discourse.


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