Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


Baghir Aloloom University


The religion of Islam is the last and most complete divine religion and has different approaches to secular approaches in dealing with issues. For example, Islam's approach to the issue of evil differs from its secular confrontation, although there are similarities in some respects. The author seeks to find the answer to the question: what is the difference and similarity between Shahid Motahari's reading (as an Islamic approach) of the Corona issue as evil, and Max Weber's reading (as a secular view)? . In this research, the required data have been obtained through a library survey and the data have been analyzed by comparative method to achieve the similarities and differences between the approach of Shahid Motahhari and Max Weber from evil with emphasis on Corona. The results of the present study are as follows: Martyr Motahhari believes that evil does not have an actor, but in Max Weber's view, evil has an actor like good, and by proposing his theory of rationality, seeks to give meaning to life and justify suffering through religion. From the point of view of Martyr Motahhari, the wicked are part of the integrated system of the universe, while from the point of view of Max Weber, suffering disturbs meaning. According to the available evidence in the context of the prevalence of coronation in the world and also according to the available sources, the theory of Martyr Motahhari is more successful in justifying evil.


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