Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article



the islamic feature of islamic revolution in iran which indicates the cross - border of religious belief is reflection of its effects in the world and other muslim countries in the west asia in different layers ; a prominent example of which is the support of palestine with the aim of reviving the identity of the palestinian state . this investigation is considered by examining the subjects of the islamic system in order to realize that the liberation of Palestine from the yoke of Zionism in modern modern geometry is central to the thought of islamic revolution leaders . the aim of this paper is to explain and analyze the performance ( ا and programs ) that are based on the thought of the leaders of the islamic revolution of iran and the aim of supporting and achieving the cause of resistance and sovereignty of the Palestinian people . the results of the study are based on the principles and nature of islam in confronting the enemy ( rule of سبیل ) and the necessity of supporting the oppressed with regard to the economic , material , geographical and defensive capacities and the necessity of supporting it in the new world geometry with the decline of the American and Israeli powers … which is expressed in qualitative method and descriptive - analytical technique .


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