Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


Assistant Professor, Institute of Guilan studies, University of Guilan , Rasht, Iran


The question of what is the concept of national temperament and character and its dimensions and characteristics and the factors influencing the development of personality and temperament of nations and therefore how it affects the fate of societies and their development and underdevelopment are always in the focus of social science studies and researchers The field has been historical sociology and anthropology. The subject of this research is the study of the concept of temperament and its dimensions and characteristics and why the temperamental differences between nations with each other from the perspective of Ibn Khaldun. The purpose of this research is to analyze the thoughts of Muslim social thinkers about the concept of creation. In this research, an attempt has been made to adopt a descriptive-analytical approach and to use the method of documentary study while referring to Ibn Khaldun's book "Introduction" to express his views in this regard. According to Ibn Khaldun, geographical and natural factors, social factors such as laws and lived experiences, structures and social relations and type of education and economic factors and lifestyle play an important role in the development of personality and the formation of temperaments of different societies. It seems that re-reading the texts of Muslim social thinkers and its methodical critique and study will lead to the development and expansion of social science knowledge and the opening of newer horizons in this field.



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