Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


Head of Department of philosophy in Al-Mustafa University


At some point in history, Indonesia has faced a crisis of violent clashes between followers of different religions and ethnicities, sometimes leading to the death and displacement of significant numbers of citizens. As one of Indonesia's leading cultural elite and thinkers Dr. Nurcholish Madjid has tried to find a way out of this crisis.
This article intends to study and analyze his intellectual experience on religious pluralism with a library and descriptive-analytical method to review his plan, which has been formed by using Islamic principles as well as modern values, and its goal is to end the conflict and realization of peaceful coexistence in Indonesia.
This research first examines the historical context of the confrontation and challenge between the followers of religions and sects, especially Muslims and Christians, then, while stating the purpose of Nurcholish Madjid from the religious pluralism idea, deals with the main principles and components of this plan and in the end will analyze and critique these views.


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