Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 Professor of Islamic Social Sciences, University of Tehran

2 Acecr


child in Christianity is defined by the belief in the first sin, which is inherently evil. Because the rebel has a divine command and a tendency to evil. Following this, the first sin in the child's nature must be washed away by baptism. Such a pessimistic view of children was introduced with the myth of Dionysus. The child of Dionysus deserves immorality, misbehavior, abortion, severe punishment, forced labor, lack of support, hunger, poverty, disease, illiteracy and ignorance, and so on. Christianity's view of childhood due to the humanist actions of the Renaissance and beyond, including the developments of the Church and the actions of the modern world in the twentieth century, Led to the transformation of the Christian approach to childhood and the weakening of the evil and Dionysian child approach.
The religion of Islam considers the child to be inherently good and divine, the child is Apollonian, because the child has the Spirit of God in him and is infallible and holy. But following the power of free will may be tainted with sin and carnal contamination. He needs proper care and training so that he will not be infected with evils and sins, and his divine nature will be protected from any evil. Therefore, any physical, mental or psychological harm to the child is forbidden because he is a divine deposit and carrier of God's spirit; And he must be treated with respect and dignity, and he must be fully supported in the direction of growth and excellence.


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