Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 urban planning, art and architecture faculty, tarbiat modares university, tehran, iran

2 Urban Planning/ Art and Architecture Faculty/ Tarbiat Modares University/ Tehran/ Iran.


The main purpose of the research is to search for the concept of "social capital" as one of the factors of human-oriented development in the thoughts of Mulla Sadra as the turning point of the link between philosophy, mysticism and Islamic theology. In this paper, using the traditional hermeneutic method which is based on the author-oriented and text-oriented, it is tried to achieve social capital readings in Sadra's wisdom in three steps. In the first step, by interpreting Mulla Sadra's thoughts, first by converting the text into the living world, the social effects of Mulla Sadra's theories are extracted. Then, by discovering the horizon of text, interpretation, and text are mixed, and the concept of social capital from the works of Mulla Sadra is interpreted. It has to be said that social capital in Mulla Sadra's view is limited to moral virtues within the framework of divine laws that manifest in communal relationships, and in this way it is related to the components of "religious social capital". And in the third step, by matching the theoretical components of social capital with the components extracted from Mulla Sadra's thoughts, it is found that the components of religious social capital, although relying on moral and individual virtues, but their result in the interpersonal relationships corresponds to the components of social capital in Western theories. For example, the occurrence of "goodness and philanthropy" as a moral virtue in collective action leads to the realization of the concept of social support and participation.


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