Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


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Human dignity in the thought of an Islamic humanist philosopher, to determine the criterion of human dignity and to its follower, the determination of human right, is a problem that, by analyzing it, can give a different look at human rights in the present age. Human rights in modern period are issues that have led the debate over the discourse beyond the realm of action. Human dignity is a special feature of which human beings are human beings that are different from other beings, deserve the rights and lives of the dignity. In this sense, the concept of "dignity" is directly related to the concept of "right". If we take this meaning of dignity and then go back to the history of human thought, we can find reasons for human dignity in the mind of philosopher. The humanist philosopher of the fourth century looks differently to this issue. Therefore, in this research, we approach the texts of Ibn Meskoyi with the help of the text-commentator approach: "What is the criterion of human dignity in the thought of Ibn Meskoyi? What does this criterion relate to human right?" Meskoyi speaks of rational, moral and social human, and thus create the relation between the dignity and the human right.


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