Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 faculty member

2 معاون فرهنگی دانشگاه

3 ma sociology


The pilgrimage and pilgrimage of domestic and foreign pilgrimages in Iran has been one of the religious activities and has been widely welcomed. The pilgrimage of Arba'in is one of the emerging forms of pilgrimage that Iranians have not paid much attention to before. The Arba'in walkway is a platform for a different religious pilgrimage experience, in which the entire path of the passage of Iman Hussein's pilgrimage experience AS). A ritual in which different nations and cultures are interacting and intercultural communication. This intercultural interaction, at the same time, will include a cognition of how Iranian and Iraqi identity are expressed in the context of this particular religious partnership during the Aryan era. In this research, based on the qualitative approach and through the analysis of the content of pilgrim's experiences, attempts have been made to examine the patterns of expression of Iranian and Iraqi pilgrims. The statistical population of the study was Iranian and Iraqi female and male pilgrims visiting Najaf and Karbala, as well as two cities of Najaf and Karbala as the source and destination, and 30 samples were selected by targeted method. Data were collected using interview and participatory observation methods. After analyzing qualitative data, three main themes were identified: 1) national identity, 2) Shiite identity, and 3) Arbaean identity. Also, the factors affecting the authentication patterns were: 1) background variables and 2) power.


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