Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 Tarbiat Modares University

2 Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University


Today, given the development of complex urban problems, the necessity of paying attention to solutions related to Iranian-Islamic cities, in accordance with the cultural, social, political and physical context, seems evident. Meanwhile, studying Muslim thinkers' thoughts can be of importance in finding solution to the complexities of the cities. Abu Ali Sina, as a great Muslim scholar, has contributed to the development of urban thoughts considerably. In particular, his concept of Medina of Adela (the city of justice) is innovatory in the realm of theories of urban planning and urban development. The present paper aims to explore Abu Ali Sina's views on urbanization, identifying the characteristics of a desirable city, unfolding dimensions of social life in the urban environment, as well as explaining socio-economic, political, and physical relations in an urban society. The research method in this study is a combination of content analysis, deductive-descriptive methods, as well as causal analysis and meta-analysis. Our findings show that the existence of a healthy urban community requires attention to all aspects of social, economic, political and physical relations, so that these subsystems can be related to each other as a whole and each part affect the other ones systematically.


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