Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Yazd

2 student


Mortaza Motahari and Fatemeh Marneisi have put the issue of the Muslim woman in a modern situation in the spotlight; from a Shi'i political jurisprudence perspective and from another Islamic feminist perspective. The present paper examines the views of these two thinkers on the rights of Muslim women, and sets out questions that Motahari and Marannis regard as civil, political, and social rights for Muslim women.What are the similarities and differences between these two thinkers? Research findings show Motahhari considers a woman to be the same as the man in terms of being, thus the right to freedom of conscience and religion, the right to property, the right to education, and equal security (from social rights) and equal suffrage (from Political rights) for women with men, but due to differences in the nature of men and women, different rights with men in the field of inheritance, coverage and divorce law, the right to work (from social rights) and the right to choose The political will (for political rights) is for women. In contrast to Merannis, there is an inseparable equality between men and women, as a result of which all Muslim, social and political rights that can be given to Muslim men are also considered by Muslim women. The basis for the difference between Motahari and Maranni's views can be attributed to their different attitudes toward Islam.


Main Subjects

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