Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 School of Urban Planning, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 School of urban planning, faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Since the introduction of participatory revolution and communicative turn in theory of planning, scholars and researchers, have done tremendous effort on how to achieve better community participation in urban planning at different levels and scales. This efforts have intensified by introduction of sustainability and its integration with social participation. In this paper, first, the claim that the central issue in sustainable social development is the concept of dialogue were established using literature review. In order to develop a framework for sustainable dialogue, Rumi, as the representative of the Iranian intellectual and Michael Bakhtin as the representative of Western thought is studied. Using interpretative content analysis, true dialogue component in Rumi and Bakhtin thought in Rumi's Masnavi and Bakhtin's Dialogical Imagination is extracted. The result showed that dialogue is not only merely transferring message but also is experience of new world and experience of otherness. In addition, the result showed that dialogue is not limited to verbal material and its sustainability is depended on its continuation in soul. In other words, its raise up from dialogue to telepathy. Finally, by explaining the importance of dialogue in urban planning, sustainable dialogue process framework (moral) were presented in a nonlinear process.


Main Subjects

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