Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


Tehran University professor


Explain facts from the perspective of Ibn Khaldun: (A new approach to the Moghadamah)
Ibn khaldun’s science of omran has been founded based on Special methodology that understanding that logic of explain is an important step to understanding the logic of khaldun and subsequently understanding of phenomena that He is going to explain them. This article is going to examine how to explain fact’s by khaldun. The research method in this study is documentary. The findings indicate that explained approach of ibn khaldun in explaining the facts is rule-based or nomothetic approach that is alignment with today's conventional scientific approach. In terms of methodology, findings demonstrate that khaldunin experience reference to the frequent experience in the history, in other words, his methodology is as structures of structural approach that to followed themselves repeated specific results. From the perspective of ontology also ibn khaldun recognizes assume external reality independent of the mind.


Main Subjects

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