Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


دانشگاه پیام نور


The main aim of the present paper is indicating the social role of philosophy according to two Muslim thinkers, namely Abonasr Farabi and Jamal Al-din Asad Abadi. The social role of philosophy is firmly related to its function and its status among other types of knowledge. Based on our literature review, four dimensions of social role of philosophy include the status of philosophy, expectations from philosophy, the right of philosophy, and the needed norms of philosophy. We reviewed the most important books written by Farabi and Asad Abadi comparatively and benefited from content analysis technique. We found the main social role of philosophy according to both thinkers is indicating the prosperity path and moderation of both individual and society. Therefore, philosophy is not just a theoretical knowledge; it is an applied knowledge. But who is responsible in terms of applying philosophy? Farabi believes this responsibility is on the shoulders of “prime boss” who is expected to use rational and logical methods. Asad Abadi, on the other hand, insisted on scientists, leaders and philosophers who are equipped by rational method of thought (even poetry) inspired by Quran. According to Farabi an important problem is disparity of Muslim’s societies. Hence, he rejects any disruptive knowledge. By contrast, he is interested in enhancing solidarity through the logical and rational way of thought, which is philosophy. Asad Abadi focuses on deprivation and poverty and his solution to the problem is philosophy which helps to find moderation point in life of individual, group and society.


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