Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


دانشگاه اصفهان


Democracy is one of the most fundamental concepts in the field of political philosophy and Sociology. Islamic civilization shaped new form of democracy based on Quran verses and manner of governance in Medina’ Al-Nabi and accepted equal rights of political participation for men and women. However, this form of democracy has not been continued in Muslim societies.
In contemporary period, especially after Islamic revolution in Iran, many social or political thinkers focused on religious democracy.
Apart from some scholars who reject religious democracy or disagree with current concepts in the political philosophy and social sciences, some other accept this form of democracy. In this paper, after reviewing these scholars, religious democracy from the Imam Khomeini’s perspective is discussed. Regarding methodology, we applied grounded theory (GTM) to find main concepts and theoretical model advocated by Imam Khomeini.  Reviewing Imam Khomeini,s writings, especially his  Sahife Noor, and using GTM we found the main categories of religious democracy including “Velaee leadership”, “legalism”, Islamic government”, “civil freedoms”, “global politic”, “public rights”, and “distinguishing expediency”. The central category is a “task-oriented” and “obligated” political system”. Finally, based on the above mentioned categories, Imam Khomeini’s theoretical model of religious democracy is presented.


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-          نهج البلاغه
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