Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


This articleseeks toinvestigate andexplainsome of the"excessesof thereligiousmourningBijarcity" is. The researchers in this study approach using qualitative techniques "Seeing the building undetected" and "semi-structured interview" with the combined approach, to describe, explain and interpret to some extent have investigated the matter. The population ofthepracticesobservedin thefield, allcategories ofMoharrammourning, and chest ofa womanin the cityon the night ofthe seventhyearAH1433(7 Dec 2011)hasbeenstudiedas awholenumber,Inallcommunitiesinterviewingofficials, activists,professors andscientific, culturaland religiousmanamong thepopulation ofthe city Bijarwhodeliberatelyusing thesamplingwereinterviewed.According to a surveycarried outthrough acombinationofmeans, direct observationand interviewswritten, the results of the study indicatethat thedistortionover timehas beenenteredin the mourningof thecityof Bijar.

This articleseeks toinvestigate andexplainsome of the"excessesof thereligiousmourningBijarcity" is. The researchers in this study approach using qualitative techniques "Seeing the building undetected" and "semi-structured interview" with the combined approach, to describe, explain and interpret to some extent have investigated the matter. The population ofthepracticesobservedin thefield, allcategories ofMoharrammourning, and chest ofa womanin the cityon the night ofthe seventhyearAH1433(7 Dec 2011)hasbeenstudiedas awholenumber,Inallcommunitiesinterviewingofficials, activists,professors andscientific, culturaland religiousmanamong thepopulation ofthe city Bijarwhodeliberatelyusing thesamplingwereinterviewed.According to a surveycarried outthrough acombinationofmeans, direct observationand interviewswritten, the results of the study indicatethat thedistortionover timehas beenenteredin the mourningof thecityof Bijar.


Main Subjects