Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 MA

2 Academic members of Ilam university


Since social capital is one of the ground of social science, and in recent decades it get much importance that it was called invisible wealth, this article has paid attention to the comparative study of this concept with the Asabiyah of Ibn Khaldun who used this key word to analyze the social and political disorders of this time and he knows it a consolidating and uniting factor. In fact, the main goal of this study is to answer this question that whether we can update the Asabiyah of Ibn Khaldun according to the theories of social capital?
Theoretical framework of this study is based on the theory of Gidenz and, its supplementary, ideas of Putnam. The set of presented arguments were resulted in this that although these two concepts have some in common, they have some differences which distinguishes them from each other in some respects. Thus, it can be inferred of differences of these two concepts that Asabiyah couldn’t be updated completely (however religion is still the main factor of solidarity in most societies specially our society, confederacy which also nowadays is formed regionally and universally, are some items which help to the possibility of updating the Ibn Khaldun theory of Asabiyah with new society) .On the other hand, Ibn Khaldun lived in a time and place with which Asabiyah was blended while in present modern societies race and lineage have been replaced by law and competence. In this way, the possibility of updating is cancelled in this case.


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