Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 Sociology Ph.D Candidate, A Member of Istitute for Social Science and Humanities Development

2 Associate Prof. of Sociology, A Member of Istitute for Social Science and Humanities Development Shiraz University


The first aim of this article is to present Zahed’s conceptual–operational model of freedom on the basis of Islamic thoughts.  The second goal is to distinguish how freedom would run in the Islamic society according to this operational model. Finally, we will talk about the differences between this new conceptualization of freedom and the secular one. We will introduce theoretical, social and cultural dimensions of Zahed’s approach to freedom and then talk about what and how freedom would be in the individual level and the social one according to this model. In addition, to have a better understanding of freedom in Islamic society, we will compare freedom in Islamic and secular societies. This is a documentary and qualitative content analysis research. Based on our findings, Islamic freedom is a cultural concept with several layers. It will be realized an individual becomes free of anti-nature (gheir-e-fetri) hindrances and resist anti-nature social impediments. This resistance has personal and social dimensions. The personal dimension is not to let the obstructions limit her/him from inside and/or outside and then act against them in the social context not letting them to make obstructions to others. Emancipation is to arrange the social order in such a way to make people act according to their nature and avoid anti-nature hindrances. In secular societies richer people experience more freedom because of ownership right.


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