Journal of Social Theories of Muslim Thinkers

Document Type : Research Article / Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student – Cultural Sociology – Tehran University

2 Professor- Tehran University


This article tries to investigate the range and some features of scientific realism from the perspectives advocated by Sayyid Jamāl ad-Din Asad Ābādi. It applies grounded theory, documentary research method, and some interpretative and exploratory views. Sayyid Jamāl has tried to reveal the capacity of religious knowledge including modern world, using hermeneutics insight and Qurān’s concepts reason, knowledge, and Jihād in the Companionship of knowledge and religion is one of his epistemological principles. To Sayyid Jamāl, the necessity of practical utility of Islamic knowledge and Muslims’ attention to the other scientific approaches, as positivistic methods, can play a remarkable role for reinforcing the scientific dimension of Islamic countries, as well as reviving Islamic civilization. In the light of Sayyid Jamāl’s methodological and epistemological logic, it seems that a recommendation to adopt paradigmatic axioms of the scientific realism can be a useful way to apply religious knowledge and/or Quranic knowledge , in addition of some modern scientific and empirical methods. Furthermore, the pragmatic manner and praxis (a combination of belief and Jihād) is among the practical features of Sayyid Jamāl’s social Knowledge


Main Subjects

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